Sustainability Sourced Coffee

Source of Organic Fair-Trade Coffee
When we first arrived in Thailand in 1987, a decent cup of coffee was hard to find. Instant coffee and a local version called “ancient coffee” were all that was available. Anytime a friend came from out of country to visit, our request would be, “Please bring us some fresh coffee beans!”.
Today, locally sourced, fresh roasted quality Arabica Coffee can be found just about anywhere. The “coffee explosion” was fueled in part by the discovery that the highlands of Northern Thailand provided the ideal climate, altitude and soil to produce premium quality Arabica Coffee. Mai Thai Coffee has been on the cutting edge of development and cultivation of coffee in Thailand for many years.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej
The credit goes to King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who reigned for 70 years from 1946 to 2016, making him the world's longest-reigning monarch. The king worked tirelessly throughout his life for the benefit of the Thai people; He is greatly loved and honored by Thai people everywhere. King Bhumibol introduced Arabica Coffee to Thailand as a substitution crop for opium. The king’s foresight to help the people through coffee cultivation was truly visionary. Opium production has been eliminated in Thailand; crops like coffee, fruit, vegetables and flowers now provide income.

Renewed Life to Environment
Great Tasting Coffee
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